Seeds of Success

In the Imvepi Refugee Settlement in Uganda’s Terego District, a 40-year-old South Sudanese refugee, Ruta Lokudu arrived seven years ago after fleeing civil war in her homeland. Life in the settlement was tough as Ruta struggled to provide for her family of three children, four dependents, and her husband. Even with aid from the World Food Programme, it wasn’t enough to cover their basic needs.

Turning Point: the DANIDA Graduation Project

Ruta’s life took a significant turn in 2022 when her family was selected for the DANIDA Graduation Project, implemented by the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), CEFORD, and Trickle Up. With UGX 150,000/= per month for eight months, Ruta was able to meet her immediate needs and seized the opportunity to start selling produce, grains, seeds, and other goods in the local market. She also joined a Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) to build a community in her new home.

Ruta Lokudu (Left), selling grains to her client in Imvepi refugee settlement. Photo by Grace Akeso.

New Skills. New Opportunities

The project didn’t just provide financial support—it equipped Ruta with valuable skills in financial literacy, permaculture gardening, and business management. Armed with this knowledge, Ruta expanded her business, increased her weekly savings, and invested in livestock like rabbits, chickens, and guinea birds. The income generated helped improve her family’s diet and paid for her children’s education.

Rising as a Community Leader

Ruta’s success didn’t stop with her own family. She emerged as a community leader, sharing her experience and advice with other women in the settlement. With the support of the VSLA, Ruta plans to continue expanding her business, acquire a motorcycle to ease transportation challenges, and explore new farming ventures.

This story is from the Building Self-Reliance and Resilience in West Nile project implemented by Danish Refugee Council, CEFORD, and Trickle Up in Imvepi Refugee settlement, Terego District, 2022 – 2024, also known as the DANIDA Graduation Project. The original text for this story was written by Grace Akeso and Jerry Kiwanuka.

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