What happens when the world’s poorest women have a wealth of information at their fingertips? Trickle Up began testing this hypothesis by putting the power of mobile phones into the hands of women in India who strive daily to overcome conditions of extreme poverty and vulnerability.

Jharkhand & Odisha, India

Phase III (2021-2023) aims to complete the planned Phase II activities, most of which were suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic. Activities including individualized coaching support, focused livelihood training, and SHG strengthening to support the social and financial integration of 1,000 newly selected participants could not be implemented as planned. During this phase, Trickle Up will support 2,800 women in Odisha and Jharkhand, to build sustainable and climate resilient livelihoods, characterized by increased income, greater integration into social and economic structures, as well as increased social status, through the integration of digital technology.

Our Approach

Phase III will support 1,300 of the 1,800 Phase I participants and all 1,300 Phase II participants. The project will seek to enhance their livelihood activities to address the needs that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic, such as increased family size and decreased income levels, through training on entrepreneurial skills and strengthening of group enterprises (either existing or newly formed) to promote sustainability. The third cohort will also work with 200 households from the Juang Tribe (Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group) in Odisha.

Expected Participants

% Women Participants


Digital Coaches

(AKA Smart Sakhis)

Project Team

The MPOWERED project team is based out of Trickle Up’s Asia regional office in Kolkata, India.

Project Partners

Trickle Up teamed with Tata Communications, state branches of India’s National Rural Livelihoods Mission, the world’s largest anti-poverty organization, and local NGOs to create and implement MPOWERED. 

Project Media

Click here to download the full MPOWERED collateral suite.