
Trickle Up News
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Trickle Up Names Lauren Hendricks as New President and CEO

Trickle Up Names Lauren Hendricks as New President and CEO. Lauren brings an extensive background in financial inclusion, technology, and women's economic empowerment.

Trickle Up & Tata Communications share the PoP app framework with Palash – Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society

Discover how Trickle Up and Tata Communications, in collaboration with JSLPS, are leveraging technology to empower marginalized women in Jharkhand through the PoP App. Learn more a ...

Trickle Up and Childhood Education International Collaborate on Global Curriculum Focused on Women’s Economic Empowerment

Trickle Up partners with Childhood Education International to co-create and develop a new global curriculum for women's economic empowerment.

ESPN Anchor Linda Cohn Joins Trickle Up as a Speaker for Annual Fundraiser

Trickle Up hosts its annual fundraiser on April 29, 2024 featuring Linda Cohn (ESPN) and Rebecca VanDyck (Bay FC), and honoring Penny Foley (The TCW Group). The fundraiser will als ...

Trickle Up Names New Regional Director in Latin America

Trickle Up Names Natalia Wills as New Latin America Regional Director. Trickle Up nombra a Natalia Wills como nueva Directora Regional para América Latina.

2023 Annual Partners Meet in Odisha

Trickle Up staff hosts an annual partner meeting in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, to review progress and plan for the coming years. The event brought together staff from Trickle Up's many o ...

Home Economics: Alumni Profile

This profile was originally published in Harvard Business School's Alumni Magazine under the name, 'Home Economics."

The case for teaching women to fish

In a guest column for Devex, we make the case for how complex problems, like extreme poverty, deserve multi-faceted solutions.

Harnessing Local Power for Change in Guatemala

Trickle Up was named one of 19 organizations receiving a 2022 grant from UNFCU Foundation. The grant will fund the next phase of Desde el Poder Local.

¡FUERTE! Innovación económica para mujeres indígenas

MetLife Foundation y Trickle Up impulsan el empoderamiento de las mujeres más vulnerables, para que puedan alcanzar una salud financiera estable y sean resilientes económicamente.

What Cultivating Resilience Means for Women Living in Extreme Poverty

Trickle Up and BRAC UPGI discuss the importance of resilience and economic and social inclusion programming for women in extreme poverty.

Will COVID-19 Relief Plans Reach the World’s Poorest People?

Our op-ed co-written with BRAC Ultra-poor Graduation Initiative and RESULTS was featured in the World Economic Forum's blog.