Report Abuse

Trickle Up is committed to treating all persons with dignity and respect. Trickle Up has a zero-tolerance policy toward sexual harassment, sexual abuse, or sexual exploitation by its employees, board members, volunteers, interns, consultants, partners or any other representatives associated with the delivery of its work.
If you have a concern that any sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation or other similar conduct has occurred in the context of Trickle Up’s work, please use the form below to notify us.

This form is NOT a 911 or emergency service. Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.

After clicking submit, be sure to copy the link under “Edit your response” as this will allow you to make edits to the report even after you click “Submit.” You can do this by right-clicking, then selecting “Copy link,” and saving the unique URL somewhere secure.

Incident Information

Examples: John Doe, Director of Human Resources; Unknown, Unknown, Trainer
This should be a general description only, you will be asked for specifics later.
We recognize that this incident may not have occurred in a particular location. However, if this incident was observed in some documentation or business transactions, please indicate this accordingly.
Examples: Tuesday, November 8, 2018; three weeks ago; approximately two months ago.
Please identify by name and title. Examples: Ignored it; changed documents; said it was not a problem; said they would not look into it
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
Please take your time and provide as much detail as possible, but exercise care to not provide details that may reveal your identity unless you wish to do so. It may be important to know if you are the only person aware of this situation.