Desde el Poder Local – Phase II

The indigenous women Trickle Up was working with during the initial phase of this project (2019-2021) were making solid progress until COVID-19 hit Guatemala. Diminished access to economic opportunities, increased family care needs, and the need to produce a greater local food supply given the lack of access and resources reduced their opportunities and disrupted their livelihood options. In this second phase, we seek to address the challenges encountered and provide innovative solutions to reinforce sustainability and build even greater resilience for the future. 

Ixcán & Nebaj, Guatemala 

Trickle Up aims to strengthen the sustainability and capacity of two government partner municipalities, Ixcán and Nebaj, with whom we worked in the initial phase, through a mentorship approach wherein we will be building their abilities to assume the financial, administrative and management requirements for implementing the Graduation Approach. In doing so, we will be able to identify blockages and obstacles to government systems effectively providing services to the ultrapoor while also directly benefiting 500 new participants. 

Through this project, we plan to leverage the innovative approaches we implemented during the pandemic to reach and support participants while simultaneously building the skills, expertise and accountabilities of our government municipal partners to assuming principal responsibilities for implementation of the Graduation Approach. 

Our Progress

To overcome additional challenges to economic constraints posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of natural disasters, Trickle Up will, with our government partners, work with participants to review livelihood plans to optimize current and future opportunities. We will use our digital tools to complement in-person coaching, thus providing timely and accurate health information at a time when misinformation about COVID and vaccination protocols can spread widely.  

A major feature of revising livelihood plans will be introducing participants to Trickle Up’s Echb’eenink coaching application, which will support women in adjusting their business plans, explore various economic inputs, supply chains, and diversify income-generating activities using the remote app. This technology will be used to supplement in-person training and support. Echb’eenink combines audiovisual and interactive resources for participants in 14 learning areas for group and individual approaches.  


municipal partners

Project Team

The Desde El Poder Local team includes members from Trickle Up’s Americas office as well as a number of municipal staff. 

Project Partners

Trickle Up is partnering with the UNFCU Foundation and the municipality of Ixcán, the municipality of Nebaj, and La Asociación Guatemalteca de Personas con Discapacidad (AGPD) to implement the second phase of the Desde El Poder Local project.