Las Artesanas de Jocolho

Julia and Maria, business partners from las artesanas de Jocolho, Chiapas, strengthen their business and work with coaches who help them succeed in new ways through the FUERTE project. FUERTE aims to support 6,000 Indigenous and marginalized women across Oaxaca and Chiapas, Mexico, to promote financial inclusion, social inclusion, and agency for women.
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Julia Lopez Diaz, Participant: I’m Julia Lopez Diaz from the community of Jocolho, and I make handicrafts.

Maria Ruiz Terraton, Participant: My name is Maria Ruiz Terraton, I learned weaving at age 14. My mother taught me everything I know.

Julia Lopez, Participant: The works we produce are definitely art. But it’s a business for us, and how we sustain ourselves.

But even though we work hard, we have a very small income.

Customers don’t see how much work goes into our products. They will only pay a low price.

Maria Ruiz, Participant: I was earning very little, and that was very challenging.

Julia Lopez, Participant: So when we found out about the Trickle Up Program wee got really excited because the coaching was a big step to advance our business.

When the Trickle Up group began, I gathered women from the community to join, so that the program could benefit all of us.

The coaches teach us how to work with numbers, how to save our money, and they offer ideas to generate even more income.

Now Maria and I work together as a team.

Juana Gamez Hernandez, Trickle Up Coach: Teamwork is essential for Trickle Up.

Maria Ruiz, Participant: Julia and I help each other by finishing each other’s products.

Or, she gives me products to go and sell.

Maria Hernandez Diaz, Trickle Up Coach: Maria and Julia collaborate so well because they share ideas to reach a common goal.

Juana Gomez, Coach: In the group that Maria and Julia are part of, which is called Artisans de Jocolho, we have seen quite significant progress.

Julia Lopez, Participant: The program has transformed the livelihood of our community.

Maria Hernandez, Coach: They are very involved. They are leaders of this community.

We share information with our group.

Julia Lopez, Participant: That’s the main role of leadership.

Juana Gomez, Coach: Both participants have served on the group’s board of directors.

Julia as president and Maria as treasurer.

Julia Lopez, Participant: Now if I meet a woman who is struggling, I can help coach her.

Juana Gomez, Coach: Our goal is after the Trickle Up project, they can run their savings group independently.

Maria Ruiz, Participant: I would like to sell more products in more places and at better prices.

Julia Lopez, Participant: With a better income, my dream would be to build my own home.

Maria Ruiz, Participant: Thank you to our coaches, and thank you Julia.

I hope we can continue working togther and supporting each other.

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