Becoming a Partner of Choice

Trickle Up's work is possible thanks to the strong partnerships we've built. In Uganda, we work closely with the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and Community Empowerment for Rural Development (CEFORD) to implement the Graduation Approach and broader social and economic inclusion programming for refugees and the communities that host them. As a partner of choice, we are proud to provide technical assistance in this program design and implementation to our partners who are experts in the local context. In other program locations, we carefully vet and select local partners to help us best reach the most marginalized people. Together, we support households forging pathways out of extreme poverty.
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Shoshana Hecker: There are so many challenges facing refugees.

Jimmy James Kokedieny:  Basic needs, water, shelter, protection of their rights.

SH:  When you add in that level of poverty it makes the situation so much more complicated.

JK: Partnerships are crucial in refugee operations. At Danish Refugee Council, we’re in a consortium with Trickle Up, implementing the Danida graduation project.

SH:  We’re working with humanitarian-based organizations who have strong protection programs or have some livelihood programs.

SH: Trickle Up brings our expertise around the graduation approach, and social and economic inclusion programming to our partners.

Wilfred Atetri: From the inception meeting Trickle Up organized a design mission. Trickle Up walked us through the sequencing of the graduation approach. We enjoy the partnership because we sit around the table together and discuss. We decide together, thereby delivering what is relevant and appropriate.

JK: The general way of coordination has been very fruitful moving the different interventions forward. But also in terms of the technical expertise, Trickle Up has been a very good partner.

SH:  Good partnership is really based on open communication. By working together, by trusting in each other, we’re able to co-design a program that addresses underlying causes of poverty moving not just within that refugee setting, but of that person as a whole.

SH: Working in over 15 countries, every program that we do is uniquely adapted to the situations of these participants.

SH: We work very closely with our partners to understand the context of where we’re going in.

JK: Definitely I would recommend Trickle Up … to other partners. They have quite the technical skills in terms of how to run the graduation components and they have been key in terms of ensuring that the design of the project is done very well.

WA: We aim to seek changes in the lives of refugees but also the host communities.

JK: Coaching, consumption support, core-capacity building activities, livelihoods, savings, social capital. We are already seeing some positive results.

Lilian Esaburu: My life was very hard before joining the project. It is much better now.

WA: Most of the participants now eat 3 meals, because they are able to afford.

Lilias Amana: The savings group has allowed me to solve so many problems.

WA: Now I am planning for the future of my children.

WA: This is positive for the participants but also positive for DRC, Trickle Up, and CEFORD.

SH: We’re all working together towards a single goal to help people on their trajectory out of poverty. The success of the relationship creates the success of the program.

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