Partnering to Scale Up Graduation with JSLPSTrickle Up and the Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society are scaling up their intervention efforts and promoting more sustainable livelihoods through connecting women living in extreme poverty to existing markets, strengthening the capacity of coaches to deliver high-quality services, and enhancing data-driven decision-making for overall improvement of program quality.
Jharkhand, India
Trickle Up has been working with JSLPS since 2015 during which time we have supported over 6,000 participants increase their social and economic independence by providing systematic training and coaching to enable their integration into savings groups, access available government entitlements, and carry out their livelihood activities. In this third partnership phase, we plan to further strengthen the inclusion and well-being of ultrapoor participants, including particularly vulnerable tribal groups (PVTG) communities, through the creation of sustainable, higher–income opportunities that link with existing markets via collective micro-enterprises based on their skills, knowledge, and aspirations.
Our Approach
Our implementation will focus on promoting sustainable livelihood activities with a focus on market linkages to support 4,550 participants graduate out of ultrapoverty; strengthening the frontline cadre of coaches appointed by JSLPS and known as “change makers” who will, in turn, build the capacity of 15,000 PVTG households across 10 districts; supporting JSLPS improve their data analytics to enable timely and effective decision-making process; and strengthening JSLPS’s digital interventions to improve the quality of training programs and advisory services with existing mobile applications and digital knowledge products.
Our Progress
Expected Participants
(including 3,100 PVTG households) become “market ready” and 15,000 PVTG households graduated
Changemakers with Strengthened Capacity
Planned Enterprises
Project Team
The MPOWERED project team is based in Trickle Up’s Asia office in Kolkata, India.
Project Partners
Trickle Up is teaming up with the Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society (JSLPS), the state branch of India’s National Rural Livelihoods Mission, the world’s largest anti-poverty organization, and local NGOs, PRAVAH and Vedic Society, to implement this project.