Alma Alicia Ochoa Moctezuma

Project Manager, FUERTE

Feminista. Mexicana.

With a background in communications and journalism, and a Master's degree in social anthropology, Alma is currently leading the FUERTE Project in Mexico. The objective of this project is to support 6,000 women living in extreme poverty in the states of Chiapas and Oaxaca. She has collaborated with civil society in Mexico and through international networks for 10 years, defending and promoting women's sexual and reproductive rights. With Comité Promotor por una Maternidad Segura en México, she led the Communications team, focusing on designing outreach and communication strategies for advocacy in public policy, programs and services to which women have access at the national level. She also managed the White Ribbon Alliance's "What Women Want" campaign in Mexico. She has developed research on digital literacy and its relevance in women's decision-making, and has also collaborated in several studies on access and perception of the quality of health services for women.

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How Women Are Breaking the Cycle of Poverty and Exclusion in Latin America

Working with so many different people living in extreme poverty, we know the value of human rights. Learn more about Trickle Up's commitments to human rights in our work.

Cómo las Mujeres Rompen el Ciclo de Pobreza y Exclusión en América Latina

Working with so many different people living in extreme poverty, we know the value of human rights. Learn more about Trickle Up's commitments to human rights in our work.