Stephanie Lucas

Knowledge Management Specialist
New York City, United States

Stephanie Lucas joined Trickle Up in 2018 as the Knowledge Management Specialist on the Operations team. She is responsible for developing, maintaining, and improving Trickle Up’s capacity to document, organize, use, and share organizational knowledge across all of Trickle Up’s teams. Her current work involves the build out and curation of Trickle Up’s Learning and Information Platform, TULIP.

Prior to joining Trickle Up in 2018, Stephanie was a Monitoring and Evaluation Associate at EngenderHealth. There she launched a database that allowed the systematic collection, analysis, and visualization of reproductive health data for all projects across the organization. She also supported a gender-based violence and economic empowerment project in Malawi as well as a youth led reproductive health project in the U.S. Before that, Stephanie developed and implemented a health IT training program for community health centers in New York City, which aimed to help standardize health data collection by healthcare workers. She was also a part of numerous initiatives that involved data and technology, including health information exchanges, pre-visit planning platforms, intranet development, and patient portal initiatives.

Stephanie earned her master’s degree in public health from Columbia University and her bachelor’s degree from the University of San Francisco.

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