Technical Assistance with SightSavers

Through the LEAD project, Trickle Up is working as a technical partner of choice to Sightsavers India to reach 1,000 people with improved livelihoods and economic and social inclusion.  

West Bengal, India

Around 2.21% West Bengal’s population identifies as a person with disabilites. This pilot program aims to support 1,000 participants with disabilities from Amta I block in Howrah district of West Bengal, India with greater social and economic inclusion through the Graduation approach. 

In West Bengal, Sightsavers India is working closely with West Bengal State Rural Livelihood Mission and implementing a disability inclusive economic empowerment program. The project will support the Self Help Group Federation in integrating persons with disabilities, ensuring their access to finance, and supporting them to undertake livelihood activities. The project team is also supporting additional monitoring and evaluation to generate learnings and recommendations from this work.


Trickle Up will support Sightsavers India by developing customized training modules, implementation tools and providing training and capacity strengthening to program staff and coaches to improve the quality of the services being provided in Sightsavers India’s Inclusive Education work. Trickle Up plans to refine & strengthen the M&E system for the project to ensure the quality of implementation and support in design of tools for tracking the progress of the participants towards Graduation.

Project Team

The project team is based in Trickle Up’s Asia office in Kolkata, India. 

Project Partners

Understanding of vulnerability and the multidimensionality of persons with disabilities in poverty, Trickle Up India Foundation is supporting Sightsavers India in this project.