On a recent trip to Mali, West Africa, Trickle Up President Bill Abrams was fortunate to meet a savings group in the village of Barbe.
Many of these women are proud mothers who, as a result of their Trickle Up supported businesses, can now afford to send their children to school.
Interviewer: “How many children do you have?”
Woman: “Six”
Interviewer: “She got six.”
Interviewer: “How many attend school?”
Woman: “Four”
Interviewer: “Well done, that’s a lot of work! 4 out of 6. For a Fulani lady (an African ethnic group), this is not common!”
Woman: “We’ve noticed a change. In the past we couldn’t give our children pocket money for school. We couldn’t give them clothes, shoes, books, and other basic school supplies. Now we can.”
Interviewer and Bill: “How many children do you have and what ages?”
Woman: “I have two going to school. I am responsible for encouraging these mothers to send their children to school. I go from house to house and identify children that are of age to go to school. And I give their names to the school master.”