
2023 Annual Report

Trickle Up and our partners continue to create sustainable micro-enterprises and climate-adapted, resilient livelihoods in partnership with women in extreme poverty. Read more about our impact in 2023.

Our participants achieve economic empowerment, financial resilience, and social inclusion and agency, supported by in-depth coaching. Working closely with Indigenous and tribal populations, people with disabilities, and people facing forced displacement, Trickle Up continues to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of our programming. 

To date, we have impacted the lives of 2.3 million people by serving over 465,000 women, partnering with them to build economic opportunity and drive inclusion. 

Audited Financial Statement

IRS Form 990


Trickle Up’s Commitment to Human Rights

At Trickle Up, we are deeply committed to advancing the dignity, rights, and opportunities of all people, especially those who are marginalized and excluded. Through our work with Indigenous and tribal communities, people with disabilities, refugees, migrants, and...