
Adapting Graduation for Refugees in Ecuador

An upper middle-income country, Ecuador has been the largest recipient of refugees in Latin America since 2010

In 2015, UNHCR and its lead implementing partner, HIAS, supported by Trickle Up, started a Graduation pilot in Santo Domingo, to help refugees living in extreme poverty build resilience and self-reliance. The pilot targeted 200 participants, including 90 host community members and 110 refugees. Building on the pilot in Santo Domingo, UNHCR and HIAS scaled up the approach nationally in 2016. To date, the program has reached just under 3,000 households, or 12,000 individuals. Currently, the program provides participant households with a holistic package of interventions over an 18-to 24-month period, depending on the specific needs of the families.


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Dear Senators and Representatives, On behalf of the millions of Americans represented by our faith, humanitarian, health, education, foreign policy, development, human rights, business, labor, peace, women's advocacy, science, and environmental organizations, we...