NEW YORK, March 4, 2024 – Trickle Up is pleased to announce that Linda Cohn, ESPN SportsCenter Anchor and NHL reporter, will be a featured speaker at their annual fundraiser, The Power of Coaching: A Trickle Up Celebration on April 29. Cohn joins Rebecca Van Dyck, board member and founding investor in Bay FC, who will also speak. We will present the Glen & Mildred Robbins Leet Humanitarian Award, named after Trickle Up’s founders, to Penny Foley, Group Managing Director, The TCW Group, Inc, and Trickle Up board chair for 14 years of remarkable service as chair. The event will highlight the importance of coaching in Trickle Up’s programs partnering with women forging pathways out of poverty, and in each speaker’s personal experience.

Linda is a pioneer for women in sports and broadcasting. She is the longest-tenured SportsCenter anchor, having served in the role since joining ESPN in 1992. In 2017, she was inducted into the National Sports Media Association (NSMA) Hall of Fame.

On why she is joining this year’s event, Cohn said, “It’s really about women all over the world becoming self-sufficient. I’m really passionate about that – it’s so important. Women not depending on others. Not depending on significant others. It’s truly remarkable.”

Speaking about the women involved, Trickle Up President and CEO Nathalie Laidler-Kylander said, “I am inspired by all three of these incredible women – Penny, Linda, and Rebecca – leaders who have been instrumental in promoting inclusion in their respective industries. I am honored that they will join us on April 29 to celebrate the remarkable, resilient women who are our program participants.”

The event will additionally feature new videos of Trickle Up participants describing their journeys starting microenterprises and building sustainable livelihoods. Those who want to learn more about Trickle Up and supporting the event should contact Katherine Williams at