Digitizing the Graduation Approach for Scalability

Trickle Up is deepening and expanding its digital innovations to enhance the effectiveness and scalability of the Graduation Approach, with a particular emphasis on supporting coaching in the context of government delivery systems.

Multiple Locations

This project will developing integrated digital systems that combine both custom technologies developed by Trickle Up and its partners with open source apps developed by governments and other actors.

We intend to expand both the functionality and content of our digital initiatives to facilitate the transfer of information to frontline staff and participants and their access to services; facilitate the flow of information from the field to inform decision-making; and work with government partners to integrate technology to enhance the livelihoods and well-being of highly vulnerable communities. A particular priority is providing frontline staff – who are from these communities and sometimes recruited from the target population – with the tools and information they need to effectively support extremely poor households. 

Our Approach

This project primarily builds off our digital initiatives in India but will also draw from and contribute to our initiatives in Mexico and Guatemala, where we have also invested significant time and resources in developing online and offline coaching application(s) to specifically support coaching and software to support coaching training. One of our goals is to expand the scope and applicability of what we are developing in India with MPOWERED to other regions, which have different coaching modalities and partnership frameworks with governments. We also aim to expand and integrate within that our innovations from Latin America. It is also expected to enable us to expand our use of such tools between these regions and beyond, including our Refugee Affairs partnerships. 

Our Progress

Updated May 2021

Included additional functionalities to our PoP (i.e. Package of Practices) app used in India with access to information about good practices for different livelihood alternatives and record keeping of expenses by our project participants. This second version of the PoP app allows the participants to save their data to the server which, in turn, is used to generate reports and a dashboard (in the web app) for the coaches.

New modules, including nutrition gardens and small commercial enterprises, were also added to the PoP app and existing modules were updated to include instructions on cultivating new crops. Significant progress was made by ensuring that each feature has a voice over to assist the participants with very low or no literacy use the application with ease.  

Implemented Salesforce portals with each implementing partner organization in Latin America, including municipal governments and local NGOs to inform the decision-making of the participants, coaches, supervisors, and managers. 

Initiated development of version 2.0 of the coaching app in Latin America, Echb’eenink (meaning “accompaniment” in the Q’eqchí language), which includes enhancing data analytics and audio-visual content, adding four new modules (Gender Violence, Climate Change, Savings Groups, and Sexual and Reproductive Health), and translation into local Mayan languages (such as Q’eqchi). 

EQUALS participant uses a smartphone during digital literacy training.

Project Team

The Digitizing the Graduation Approach for Scalability project team includes members from Trickle Up’s Asia and Americas offices as well as our New York headquarters. 

Project Partners

Trickle Up is partnering with Wellspring Advisors to implement the Digitizing the Graduation Approach for Scalability project.