
Southern Africa Graduation Approach Learning Workshop

Lessons learned from a three-year learning initiative between Trickle Up and UNHCR

The Southern Africa Graduation Approach (SAGA) learning workshop was organized within the framework of the Building Self-Reliance for Refugees (Building Self-Reliance) program – a three-year learning and implementation initiative between Trickle Up and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), with support from the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (BPRM).

The goals of the workshop were to facilitate the discussion and sharing of the complexities, challenges, bottlenecks, and opportunities among the SAGA Community of Practice (CoP) members; to document what worked, areas for improvement, and lessons learned; and to decide upon next steps.


Cultivating Success: Bako Eunice’s Journey from Struggle to Triumph

Story by Lemeriga Tom, Isaac Batumbya & Jerry Kiwanuka (Danish Refugee Council) In the rural village of Amia, nestled in the heart of West Nile, Bako Eunice, a 30-year-old mother of three, emerged as a beacon of hope and inspiration through her dedication and hard...