Susan and Jane

Coaching pairs participants like Susan Amani with coaches like Jane Nameka to motivate, inspire change, and solidify social connections. This relationship is key to ensuring that women living in extreme poverty like Susan can manage and lead their own transformations towards greater social and economic inclusion.

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[Intro Text]

Since 2013, the South Sudanese Civil War has displaced over 4 million people.

Most face extreme poverty and uncertain futures.

The DANIDA Graduation project led by the Danish Refugee Council in partnership with Trickle Up and CEFORD is a pilot project to build self-reliance and resilience in the Imvepi Refugee Settlement.

Jane: I am called Jane Nameka. My dream was to be a fashion designer.

I’m South Sudanese by nationality. But since the war started in 2016, it was unsafe. So we came to Uganda.

When we first arrived, we were brought here to Imvepi Refugee Settlement. We had nothing. I was scared, because I didn’t know that I would come back to life like this.

I applied for the opportunity with DRC and Trickle Up, so I was happy because I really got this chance. Trickle Up trained me on how to work in the community, to visit the most vulnerable households, to coach them, to build up their foundation.

I am coaching 23 women.

I’ve started helping a participant called Susan Amani.

Susan: We ran from Sudan because of war. The journey was terrible. We were pursued by rebels. All of our food and belongings were stolen from us. There were constant gunshots and killing.
When we reached Uganda, this organization came to help people who were suffering.

Jane: I come from South Sudan, I’ve been in this situation. I can show them an example.

Susan: Jane showed me how to generate income.

Jane: She was trained on permaculture. She bought some pigs and a goat to bring her income.

Susan: With these investments, my family is now able to eat twice a day.

I have also gained self-confidence.

And I am starting to save money.

Jane: I feel so excited. Because I know that she has done something that can help her family.

I love my work so much because I am also getting skills from it.

Susan: Jane has showed us what we are capable of. I am unable to return to South Sudan. This is my home now.

Jane: All of us have challenges, but it’s how you handle the challenge.

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