
2007 Annual Report

Trickle Up completed an ambitious five-year plan to double the number of people we serve by 2012.

Trickle Up helped start or expand 11,141 businesses and enabled nearly 60,000 people — Trickle Up entrepreneurs and their families — to take the first steps out of poverty. We completed a five-year strategic plan that will be our roadmap to a dramatic increase in our scale and impact, focused on serving people living on $1 a day or less.

The most significant change in 2007 was our decision to concentrate our work in eight countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. This will enable us to strengthen our partnerships with the local community agencies that deliver the Trickle Up program, decentralize program administration to our regional field offices, and improve efficiency.

Audited Financial Statement

IRS Form 990


2023 Annual Report

View Our participants achieve economic empowerment, financial resilience, and social inclusion and agency, supported by in-depth coaching. Working closely with Indigenous and tribal populations, people with disabilities, and people facing forced displacement, Trickle...