Participant Stories

Que ha cambiado con Trickle Up?

Indigenous women from Trickle Up’s project areas in Oaxaca and Chiapas, Mexico, recount how the FUERTE project has affected their lives and their observations on how their relati ...

Women’s solidarity groups for resilience and social change

Trickle Up partners with women living in extreme poverty to drive economic and social inclusion - groups are extremely effective way to amplify the scale of transformation from our ...

Meet Jane

Coaching is a key part of the Graduation approach and Trickle Up's programs. Read about Jane, one of our coaches in Uganda who helps her fellow refugees thrive despite displacement ...

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

With 10% of the world's population living in extreme poverty, MetLife Foundation and Trickle Up are committed to building economic and social opportunities for marginalized people.

Giving Forward

Our participants from across the world share their experiences with Trickle Up programs and the resilient pathways they were able to forge to transform their situations.

Dia Internacional de los Pueblos Indígenas

On International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, we joined MetLife Foundation to reaffirm our commitment to the social & economic inclusion of indigenous communities.

Meet Mariela

In Guatemala, Mariela revisits her business model and finds a new way to support her family through the pandemic with Trickle Up's small business support.

Unidas y Animadas

One savings group in Chiapas, Mexico, is a source of advice, support, friendship, and strength, leaving members feeling united and motivated.

Ileana's Dream

Ileana Anaid Sulub Cab is a business owner, a mother, and suddenly her kids' only teacher. In the face of the pandemic, she's been navigating challenges with optimism and resilienc ...

Our Little Bank

Anita Aguilar Cruz is part of a savings group in a remote region of Mexico. The 13 women created a support system for one another through their "little bank."

From a voice of despair to a source of guidance

Ketaki is a leader. She is a source of guidance for 21 women in her village. Her journey is one of resilience and adaptation.

Net Gains

Clara's earnings from selling fishing nets helped her withstand the financial shock after two storms destroyed her corn crop.