
Graduating to Resilience Cohort 1 Fact Sheet

As part of the AVSI consortium, Trickle Up is providing technical assistance to the Graduating to Resilience Activity. IPA evaluated the first cohort of the program through an RCT.

In 2017, the AVSI consortium in Uganda, funded by USAID and consisting of AVSI Uganda, the American Institutes for Research, and Trickle Up, adapted and implemented the Graduation Approach to improve food security, nutrition, self-reliance, and resilience among refugees and host communities in extreme poverty in the Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement and surrounding host communities of the Kamwenge District in southwest Uganda.

Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) evaluated the first cohort of this program using a randomized controlled trial to measure the impact and cost-effectiveness of different variations of the Graduation Approach.


Behind the Scenes: Reflecting on FUERTE in Oaxaca

People who know me know I love asking questions. Seeing banks’ Q2 earnings coming out, I remembered that I was asking David Solomon questions at Goldman’s Global Townhalls this time last quarter. But this quarter, as an intern at Trickle Up, I got to meet and ask...