
Leaving No One Behind: Graduation for Refugees

More people have been forced to flee their homes than at any time since the Second World War, and this number continues to grow

With the number of forcibly displaced persons caught in protracted displacement situations on the rise, it is increasingly evident that a humanitarian response focusing on the short term is inadequate. Accordingly, a growing global consensus recognizes that displacement requires a joint humanitarian and development response, underpinned by long-term planning and programming for solutions.

With support from Trickle Up, in 2013 UNHCR adopted the Graduation Approach as a vehicle to enhance international protection and improve refugees’ prospects for solutions. Through the Graduation Approach, UNHCR and its partners set out to increase self-reliance and resilience among refugees and host community members living in extreme poverty.


Behind the Scenes: Reflecting on FUERTE in Oaxaca

People who know me know I love asking questions. Seeing banks’ Q2 earnings coming out, I remembered that I was asking David Solomon questions at Goldman’s Global Townhalls this time last quarter. But this quarter, as an intern at Trickle Up, I got to meet and ask...