Net Gains

Clara weathered the storm by diversifying her income

During 2019, droughts and storms damaged crops in Ixcán Guatemala, so Clara, a 21-year-old mother, decided to invest her seed capital in producing and selling fishing nets to generate income for her family.

Clara sold two cast nets in the first quarter of 2020 and used her earnings to rent land to plant corn for family consumption and sell in the local market, this produced extra income and she was able to hire people to care for the crop while she continued to make cast nets in her workshop.

In 2020, two storms destroyed part of her crop, but thanks to her savings, as well as profits from her netting business and a loan from her savings group, she replanted and expects a new harvest for the first half of 2021.

With the support of Trickle Up, Clara learned to mitigate climate change risks.

Click here to read how Trickle Up is responding to climate change.

Durante 2019, sequías y tormentas dañaron las cosechas en Ixcán Guatemala, por lo que Clara, una madre de 23 años, decidió invertir su capital semilla en un negocio de producción y venta de atarrayas para generar ingresos para su familia.

Clara vendió 2 atarrayas en el primer trimestre de 2020 y utilizó sus ganancias para alquilar un terreno para sembrar maíz para consumo familiar y vender en el mercado local, esto produjo ingresos extras y contrató personas para cuidar el cultivo mientras ella continuó fabricando atarrayas en su taller.

En 2020 dos tormentas destruyeron parte de su cultivo, pero gracias a sus ahorros, a las ganancias de su negocio de atarrayas y a un préstamo en su grupo de ahorros, recuperó su cultivo y espera una nueva cosecha para el primer semestre de 2021.

Con el apoyo de Trickle Up, Clara aprendió a mitigar riesgos al cambio climático en su comunidad.

Haga clic aquí para leer cómo Trickle Up está respondiendo al cambio climático.

Juan Carlos Villatoro joined Trickle Up in 2017 as the Communications Officer for the Americas office and is based in Guatemala City, Guatemala. In recent years, Juan Carlos has focused on the development of strategic communication projects for NGOs and International Cooperation Offices, which support people with disabilities, women’s rights, food security and education. Before […]

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