
Pathways Out of Poverty

Evaluation results show that our participants have made significant improvements in income, assets, and financial inclusion.

The “Pathways out of Poverty for India’s Ultra Poor” project sought to enable women participants and their households to develop the skills, resources and connections to grow and sustain livelihoods that move and keep them out of extreme poverty.

This report presents findings from a quasi-experimental evaluation that aimed to estimate the impact and outcomes of our Trickle Up’s Graduation program. Our emphasis is on the differences we found between participants in West Bengal, India and a comparison group in the same communities.


Strengthening Local Organizations: FOCO’s Transformative Impact for Migrants in Colombia

The FOCO Project, a cornerstone initiative by Trickle Up and supported by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, is making significant strides in Colombia by empowering local organizations to tackle poverty and support migrant communities (Fundacion Carvajal, El Minuto De...