
2006 Annual Report

"Better lives" means more income, access to education, better meals, and, most importantly, optimism and confidence.

Trickle Up helped start or expand 10,162 businesses in 2006, an increase of 17% from the prior year. Each business supports an average of six people, typically a Trickle Up entrepreneur and her family.

We completed a successful fundraising year to support growth in our program of seed capital grants, business training, and other services in 14 countries, as well as providing the resources for expanding our own program and development capacity for the future.

Audited Financial Statement

IRS Form 990


2023 Annual Report

View Our participants achieve economic empowerment, financial resilience, and social inclusion and agency, supported by in-depth coaching. Working closely with Indigenous and tribal populations, people with disabilities, and people facing forced displacement, Trickle...