
2010 Annual Report

Trickle Up creates pathways out of poverty for the most vulnerable.

This year, Trickle Up helped 7,690 people map a pathway out of extreme poverty by starting or expanding businesses, learning new skills and building savings and assets. Through these enterprises, nearly 41,000 people will have the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty.

During 2010, Trickle Up worked closely with a network of nine other poverty alleviation organizations and leading researchers to build a development model for the ultra poor that can be shared and applied around the world. With support from the Ford Foundation, MasterCard Foundation and the World Bank-led Consultative Group to Assist the Poor, we are shared our knowledge, research results and innovations so that proven methods like Trickle Up’s can reach more of the 1.4 billion people who live on less than $1.25 per day.

Audited Financial Statement

IRS Form 990


2023 Annual Report

View Our participants achieve economic empowerment, financial resilience, and social inclusion and agency, supported by in-depth coaching. Working closely with Indigenous and tribal populations, people with disabilities, and people facing forced displacement, Trickle...