Social Inclusion & Agency

Maximizing Impact: The MPOWERED Program's SROI

MPOWERED partners with women in Odisha and Jharkhand to build sustainable livelihoods and end the intergenerational cycle of poverty. Read more on our evaluation of the social retu ...

Cultivating Success: Bako Eunice's Journey from Struggle to Triumph

### Meta Description Discover Bako Eunice's inspiring journey from struggle to success in West Nile, Uganda, thanks to the DANIDA Graduation Project. Learn how permaculture garden ...

Carrying Inspiration Forward

Diganta Mohanty, Trickle Up's Asia Program Director, shares one last story from the field about his impactful work at Trickle Up.

Las Artesanas de Jocolho

Follow Julia and Maria, a dynamic duo from las artesanas de Jocolho, Chiapas, as they grow their business and learn from their coaches.

Sustainability at Every Level

Trickle Up partners with women living in extreme poverty to drive economic and social inclusion. Our projects integrate climate resilience to equip our participants with the tools ...

Impact and Scalability with 'Graduating to Resilience'

Trickle Up partners with women living in extreme poverty to drive economic and social inclusion. Graduating to Resilience is a consortium led by AVSI Foundation in partnership with ...

Empowering Entrepreneurs to End Extreme Poverty

Nathalie Laidler-Kylander, president and CEO of Trickle Up, joins Richard Brubaker on the Mission Driven Podcast to talk about Trickle Up's unique approach to ending extreme povert ...

Women’s solidarity groups for resilience and social change

Trickle Up partners with women living in extreme poverty to drive economic and social inclusion - groups are extremely effective way to amplify the scale of transformation from our ...

Las Técnicas

Members of Trickle Up’s technical team share Indigenous heritage with our project participants. The FUERTE project allows them to connect more deeply with their native languages, ...

Meet Jane

Coaching is a key part of the Graduation approach and Trickle Up's programs. Read about Jane, one of our coaches in Uganda who helps her fellow refugees thrive despite displacement ...

Lilias' Journey

Lilias Amana is a force in her community in Imvepi Refugee Settlement in Uganda. But she didn’t start there. Lilias is a South Sudanese refugee to Uganda, having fled from violen ...

Social research to address extreme poverty in migrant populations in Colombia

The “FOCO” project (Fortalecimiento a Organizaciones locales en Colombia), led by Trickle Up in Colombia, organized a forum to present the results of two studies on extreme pov ...